pluginsforflash favicon pluginsforflash


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pluginsforflash favicon

Additional Info

Created On: Dec 13, 2012

Author: Neolabs Ltd

Country: United States, US

File Size: 1384Kb

Color Depth: 8Bit


astro, power, pack, pj, supreme 4, collection, collections, flash, letters, fonts, text, effects, plug-ins, software, plugins, macromedia, flash, mx, 2004, 2004 professional, 8, 9, component, components, features, customizability, font, effect, customization, alpha, transparencies, movements, scaling, duration, letter, object, color, customize, symbols, movie clips, library, drag and drop, demos, help, Macromedia, Flash, MX, 2004, 2004 Professional, Pro, Swfx, WildFX, Red Giant effects, Textosterone, Flashkit typer, Flax, MixFX, MagicFlare, Koolmoves, generator, Animation, Beautiful, CartoonSmart, CoffeeCup, Complete, Create, Easy, Effect, Effects, FLA, FX, Fire Starter, Flash, Free, Last, Make, Official, Outputs, Plus, Realistic, SWF, Text, Wild, animated, awesome, banner, buttons, creative, demo, download, effects, effects!, effects eye-popping, files, film, flash, for, generation, great, intro, knowledge, logo, looped, loops, lot, more, motion, other, site, software, source, template, templates, text, tv, video, web, website, well-designed, advanceflash, dynamicfactory, magicflare, swftext, verticalmoon, wildform

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How to add the Favicon to your Page?

  • Download

    Create and Download copy of favicon .ico file
  • Upload .ico file

    Put the favicon.ico file into your website root directory (i.e. www or public_html)
  • Insert code

    Add the following lines between the <head> ... </head>
    tags of the page. Change default .ico path if needed.

HowTo create Favicon?

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